

Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d!

1.        I go to the . . . to buy some drink
a.       library               
b.      parking lot              
c.       canteen                    
d.       toilet
2.        He is . . . coffee
a.       Eating             
b.      Drinking       
c.       Boiling         
d.      Cooking
3.        I’m hungry. I want to eat . . . .
a.    cola                  
b.    noodles       
c.    syrup           
d.   milk
4.        Mina wants to eat  a bar of . . .      
a.       pizza                 
b.      wafers
c.       chocolate          
d.      bread
5.        Mona eats . . . for breakfast
a.       bread and milk                          
b.      fried rice and cola
c.       pizza and syrup                         
d.      candy and tea 
6.        It is four in the afternoon, what will you say if you meet your friend?
a.       Good afternoon    
b.      How are you doing
c.       How are you        
d.      Good night
7.        My hobby is playing football, I need a … for playing it.
a.       racket                     c. motorcycle
b.      ball                         d. stick

8.    : What time is it?
Nabylla  : It is...
a.       half to nine
b.      half past nine
c.       quarter past nine
d.      quarter to nine
9.        X : what .............she look like?
Y : She is beautiful
a.       Are
b.      Do
c.       Does
d.      Is
10.    Kita mempunyai hidung mancung. In English is...........
a.    We has flat nose
b.    We have pointed nose
c.    You has flat nose
d.   You has flat nose
11.    My mother is beautiful and my father is.......
a.       Handsome
b.      Pretty
c.       Ugly
d.      Wonderful
Text for number 12-14
            Mrs. Tia is our English teacher. She has an oval face, pointed nose, fair skin and long straight hair. She is also tall and beautiful. All students like her because she is kind. She is as clever as Mrs. Ana, our homeroom teacher. I want to be a teacher.
12.    Mrs.Tia has......
a.       White skin
b.      Round face
c.       Pointed nose
d.      Curly hair
13.    Does Mrs. Tia have long hair?
a.       Yes, he does
b.      Yes, she does
c.       No, he does not
d.      No, she does not

14.    Mrs. Tia is..................
a.       Adoreable and short
b.      Beautiful and tall
c.       Short and smart
d.      Tall and ugly
15.    North means...........
a.       Barat
b.      Selatan
c.       Tinur
d.      Utara
16.    The students have flag ceremony in the.............
a.       Classroom
b.      Library
c.       Prakinglot
d.      Schoolyard
17.    The library is between the laboratory and the canteen. The underline word means.............
a.       Diantara
b.      Dibelakang
c.       Disamping
d.      Didepan
18.    The synonim of smart is.................
a.       Beautiful
b.      Clever
c.       Diligent
d.      Stupid
19.     Sandi is 150 cm.
Danu is 140 cm.
Sandi is.......................than Danu.
a.       Bigger
b.      Lazier
c.       Shorter
d.      Taller
20.    Putri lebih pintar daripada Danu. In English is...................
a.       Putri is bigger than Danu
b.      Putri is lazier than Danu
c.       Putri is smarter than Danu
d.      Putri is taller than Danu
Text for number 21-25
Noval  : what are you doing?
Wiwi   : I am reading Timus Mas story
Noval     : I am hungry. Shall we go to the canteen?
Wiwi   : Okay. What do you want to buy?
Noval     : I want to buy donut and milk. How about you ?
Wiwi      :I want to buy burger and orange juice
Noval  : Okey, let’s go
21.    There are ...............people in the dialogue.
a.       One
b.      Two
c.       Three
d.      Four
22.    Wiwi is ................Timun Mas story.
a.       Listening
b.      Reading
c.       Writing
d.      Speaking
23.    X : Does Noval feel hungry?
Y : .............
a.       No, he does not
b.      No, she does not
c.       Yes, he does not
d.      Yes, she does not
24.    Noval wants to buy.............
a.       Burger and juice
b.      Candy and milk
c.       Donut and juice
d.      Milk and donut
25.    Wiwi want to buy.....................
a.       Burger and juice
b.      Candy and milk
c.       Donut and juice
d.      Milk and donut


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