NAME            :
CLASS           : 4

I.            Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d!

1.      … is for writing.
a.       Book
b.      Eraser
c.       Pen
d.      Bag
2.      There is … pencil.
a.       One
b.      Two
c.       Three
d.      four
3.      It is eight o’clock in the morning. We say ….
a.       Good afternoon
b.      Good night
c.       Good evening
d.      Good morning
4.       Twelve + Eighteen = ….
a.       Thirty
b.      Thirty one
c.       Thirty two
d.      Thirty three
5.      I wear … to school.
a.       Pajamas
b.      T-shirt
c.       Short
d.      Uniform
6.      Fifteen, sixteen,….
a.       Nineteen
b.      Seventeen
c.       Fourteen
d.      Thirteen
7.      I sit on the….
a.       Table
b.      Chair
c.       Bed
d.      Cupboard
8.      (42) In English is......
a.       Forty one
b.      Forty two
c.       Forty three
d.      Forty four

9.        Mrs. Julie  : “Good afternoon students!”
Students   :”……… teacher.”
a.       Good morning
b.      Good evening
c.       Good night
d.      Good afternoon
10.    …. three books.
a.       These is
b.      This is
c.       These are
d.      Those is
11.    Fifty six = ….
a.       53
b.      54
c.       55
d.      56
12.    Dian :”Hello!”
Rani :”….”
a.       Bye
b.      Hello
c.       No
d.      Yes
13.    Nedi :”How are you?”
Meti : “ I am … thank you.”
a.       Very
b.      Yes
c.       Fine
d.      No
14.    50 – 24 = …
a.       Twenty three
b.      Twenty four
c.       Twenty five
d.      Twenty six
15.    Toni :”Is it a book?”
Isti   “Yes,……”.
a.       It is
b.      It isn’t
c.       No
d.      I am
16.    Before twenty is ….
a.       Seventeen
b.      Eighteen
c.       Nineteen
d.      Twenty one
17.     9 X 4 = ….
a.       Thirty six       c. Thirty seven
b.      Thirty eight   d. Thirty nine

18.    I am … a book now.
a.       Eating
b.      Crying
c.       Drinking
d.      Reading
19.     Dian :”Is this your book?”
Sari :”Yes, ….”.
a.       It is
b.      It is not
c.       Not
d.      Is it
20.     The classroom is hot. Please,...........
a.       Close the door
b.      Close the window
c.       Sweep the floor
d.      Turn on the fan
II.        Read the text below then answer the questions!

21.    Mention three activities in the classroom !
a. ......................
b. ......................
c. .....................
22.    Mention three things in the classroom!
a.    ......................
b.    ......................
c.    ......................
23.    Rearrange into a good sentence!
a.       Three – rules – I – have
b.      Book – reading – is – She
c.       The – window – Open – please
24.    Complete the following sentences!
a.       The floor is dirty. .............................the floor, please!
b.      The classroom is dark. Please, ................................the lamp.
c.       Please, ......................... the whiteboard. It is dirty.
25.    Translate into Bahasa Indonesia!
a.       Johny is cleaning the table
b.      Rahma is reading a book
c.       Don’t eat in the classroom, please!


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